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Blog cites Jane Muir on “How to Turn Your Struggling Startup Around”

Struggling-StartupStruggling Startup Bennett Conlin wrote an article for, citing Jane Muir on August 28, 2018.

“Taking your startup from the brink of failure to a place of growth takes planning and help from others. Learn how to build your business up from a low point.

When your startup struggles, it can be demoralizing. You turned your great idea into a business, and now it’s barely staying above water. You’re scrambling daily to pay the bills, and for the first time, your confidence is wavering. It’s not easy to be an entrepreneur or small business owner. It takes hard work, dedication and a little bit of luck.

While you might feel your business is down on its luck, there’s a chance you’re neglecting a major issue – other than luck – that’s causing your woes. Whether you’re feeling the effects of cash flow problems or losing your top employees, there are abundant potential causes for your startup’s struggles. Understanding the problems plaguing your company and fixing them in a timely manner can be the difference between finding success and going out of business.

We turned to experts for advice on how to diagnose the core issues and turn your struggling startup into a successful business.”

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Miami Business Lawyer here in J.Muir and Associates is the best lawyer in Miami FL.

Read the rest of the article here.

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