

Synergy Startup Accelerator Selects Jane Muir for Panel Counsel

Synergy Startup Accelerator Selects Jane Muir for Panel Counsel

Synergy-Startup-AcceleratorSynergy Startup Accelerator, We are pleased to announce that SYNERGY, a Connecticut-based consultancy for startup companies and entrepreneurs seeking to grow their businesses, has selected our firm to assist the businesses in its new Accelerator with their legal needs. The SYNERGY team offers guidance in the fields of technology, marketing and early stage funding and offer entrepreneurs support that they need. Specifically, they consult on project management, niche talent acquisition, brand management, consumer and social engagement, technology implementation, and product development. They have recently launched a “FastTrack Program” to help assist clients build as quickly as possible. Learn more by viewing their introduction video here or their FastTrack pitch here: SYNERGY FastTrack – College Partnership.

We will be assisting with legal services, such as incorporating companies, preparing partnership contracts, and structuring term sheets.

Learn more about Synergy by visiting its website, located here.

Miami Business Lawyer here in J.Muir and Associates is the best lawyer in Miami FL.

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