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Florida Lawyers Step Up to Assist Struggling Businesses

The Florida Bar News reported on the efforts of Jane Muir to assist businesses struggling with business interruption due to Coronavirus, which appeared on the front page of the April 14, 2020 edition of the newspaper.

Florida lawyers are becoming a lifeline for businesses hoping to qualify for government aid in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Miami practitioner Jane Muir is keeping up with the latest state and federal guidelines, and helping her clients get their books in order. “Mostly, it’s a translating job,” Muir said. “I try to digest the extensive and conflicting information, and turn it into something that a lay person can deal with and process.” Restaurant and beauty shops that Muir represents have pivoted to takeout or producing online styling tutorials just to stay afloat or maintain visibility. A catering company she represents is creating box meals so customers can enjoy “restaurant-grade” food, she said. Muir’s clients typically generate about $1 million in annual revenue, and also include a security firm, a property manager, a fire safety equipment company, and a heavy equipment company. “I wouldn’t call them mom and pop, but they are small businesses and family businesses, and I serve as their family counsel and troubleshoot for them whenever possible,” she said. Time is running out for many of them since the pandemic brought the economy to a screeching halt, Muir said. “Most businesses maintain only enough cash to handle two weeks of operating,” Muir said. “With a situation like this, their cash flow has stopped.”Florida Lawyers will assist businesses just for you. Miami Business Lawyer here in J.Muir and Associates is the best lawyer in Miami FL.

Read the full article here.

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