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Dissolution of Marriage in Cuba

The rights of married women and divorcées in Latin American countries sometimes differ greatly from those in the US. In many cases, married women benefited more from historical Latin American protections than they would benefit from the “reformed” rights that took place in North America. Cuban marriage laws, however, stand in sharp contrast even to […]

Property Rights in Cuba: the Impact of Recent “Reforms”

Property Rights in Cuba: the Impact of Recent "Reforms"

Shortly after the Cuban revolution brought Fidel Castro to power in 1959, the new regime abolished nearly all private property rights, resulting in a property system virtually unrecognizable to many Americans. Car sales were severely limited, and most homes effectively became the property of the state. With home ownership forbidden, home sales were likewise impermissible. […]

Corporate Philanthropy is Not an Oxymoron

Corporate Philanthropy is Not an Oxymoron

Corporations have had a prominent role in relief efforts after natural disasters abroad, sending money and aid to those affected by the Tsunami in Southeast Asia and the earthquake in Haiti. Similarly, corporate charitable foundations and partnerships have benefited communities at home, strengthening local relationships. Yet opponents of corporate philanthropy argue that corporations exist solely […]