Traffic ticket in Miami-Dade County?
What to do when you get a traffic ticket in Miami-Dade County Everyone hates getting a traffic ticket. When it happens in Miami-Dade County, you might end up getting a stack of tickets all in one traffic stop. Because twelve points on your license in twelve months will result in a suspension of your license, […]
Muir & Associates Supports National Adoption Day
On Friday, November 21, Miami Children’s Museum hosted National Adoption Day, where dozens of children who are in foster care were made permanent members of loving families in Miami-Dade County. The event was organized by the Florida Department of Children and Families and Our Kids of Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties. Jane Muir and Megan Ralstin […]
You be the Judge: Judicial Selection Methods
There is much controversy regarding the selection of judges and what system works best. Some would argue that “merit selection,” where candidates apply for approval by a committee and are appointed by the governor, is best, while others believe that the voters should choose judges. The Florida Bar defines “merit selection” as “[a] method for […]
An Approach and Selection to Medical Malpractice Cases
While plaintiffs in tort trials win slightly more often that not (about 52%), the success rate for medical malpractice plaintiffs is relatively abysmal. In those cases, studies have found that defendants prevail somewhere between 73%-81% of the time. It may be that there is something fundamentally different between medical malpractice cases and other types of […]
The Florida Bar News: Facebooking Judges
Florida’s Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee recently issued an opinion regarding judges’ online social networking activities. When asked whether a judge may add lawyers who may appear before the judge as “friends” on a social networking site, and permit such lawyers to add the judge as a “friend,” the JEAC answered, “No.” (You can be fans […]