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Bishop Leo Frade; Evangelist & Convicted Felon?

Bishop Leo Frade; Evangelist & Convicted Felon

          Although they may be separate, there have been occasions in the history of the United States when church and state found one another at odds. This article profiles Leo Frade, the Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Southeast Florida, who has spent his life promoting humanitarian goals. Governments in two countries have opposed his […]

Property Rights in Cuba: the Impact of Recent “Reforms”

Property Rights in Cuba: the Impact of Recent "Reforms"

Shortly after the Cuban revolution brought Fidel Castro to power in 1959, the new regime abolished nearly all private property rights, resulting in a property system virtually unrecognizable to many Americans. Car sales were severely limited, and most homes effectively became the property of the state. With home ownership forbidden, home sales were likewise impermissible. […]