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How to Vote

The polls are open as of april 22! It is my pleasure to help you cast your vote for the dade county bar election.

Do you need to check to see whether you are a member? Click here to check to see whether you are on the list.


Would you like to learn more about my qualifications to serve as treasurer? Click here for a list!

You should receive an email that looks like this:

If you did not receive your ballot, call the dade county bar association offices at 305-371-2220. Follow the instructions and click the link to vote. You will be taken to a page that looks like this

Enter your password, or follow the instructions to recover your password.

Click the grey box that says “vote in poll” and your browser will generate a ballot like this:

When you have finished voting, click the grey box at the bottom right of the page that says “review & cast ballot.”

Finally, you will receive an email confirming that you have voted that looks like this:

The polls will be open until 1 pm on may 9. Thank you for your vote!


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