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2014 Minority Mentoring Picnic

2014 Minority Mentoring Picnic

Jane Muir Serves as Ambassador for 2014 Minority Mentoring Picnic 

Minority-Mentoring-PicnicOn November 1, 2014, the Kozyak Minority Mentoring Foundation hosted its annual Minority Mentoring Picnic at Amelia Earhart Park. The Kozyak Minority Mentoring Foundation’s mission is to provide assistance and support to minorities interested in pursuing legal careers, mentoring programs, networking opportunities and limited financial aid. The Foundation finds experienced lawyers and judges to mentor minority law students at every law school in Florida and works with voluntary bar associations to find mentors for all minority law students. Jane Muir served as an ambassador for the third time for this year’s picnic, which is free for all participants and supported by sponsorship and donations.

At the picnic, sponsors host tents to make it is easy for students to meet lawyers, judges and potential employers. Law firms, voluntary bar associations and vendors provide law students information about their areas of practice and activities. At a “Leaders and Legends” tent, some of the very best lawyers in the country share their experiences. For example, former Attorney General Janet Reno, ABA President Stephen Zack and Florida Court Supreme Justice Peggy Quince and Barbara Pariente have led discussions. There is also a wide variety of food, including paella, arroz con pollo, roast pig, barbecue ribs and chicken, Caribbean and Greek. A DJ played music and introduced judges and lawyers.

Every student, lawyer and judge who arrived at the picnic receives a badge that says “Need Mentor” for students and “Need Mentee” for judges and lawyers. Law schools send busloads of students to the picnic so that they can interact with the judges and lawyers who attend. The primary assignment for ambassadors was to say hello to students and encourage them to go to the Student Tent, where discussions and lectures were held. They were also asked to introduce students to lawyers. John Kozyak said that “Lots of the students huddle together and I want them to get out of their comfort zones and introduce themselves to judges and lawyers.” Jane Muir has served as an ambassador for several years.


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